ILLU384 Anatomy and Rendering for the Real and Imagined

Understanding the anatomical form elevates the illustrators' ability to solve problems visually. Students work from skeletal to
muscular systems and progress from primitive forms to detailed ecorche drawings. Building these aptitudes provides
illustrators with the power to invent and illustrate creatures and characters that immerse audiences in the narrative experience.


Course Introduction

This course is designed to help artists develop a better understanding of the human  and animal form and their relevance in character development, both real and imagined. Practically every form of art involves a clear aptitude to the use of form and the effective awareness of light on objects.  This understanding, especially when it involves human anatomy, creates a much more convincing and believable image. A greater skill in capturing reality will result and a more refined and authentic work of art.

Through live model and animal reference, as well as a variety of reference material, this course will allow students the opportunity to concept and create anatomically acceptable content which in turn will improve every aspect of your art.



The Importance of Sketchbook

During the quarter, you will be required to maintain class assignments in a sketchbook. Unlike some other courses, these sketchbook will contain major instructional content and must be maintained on a regular basis as content is relevant to the course major assignments.

I suggest a 9" x 12" spiral sketchbook with 100 pages. You will be using a variety of mediums and techniques and the standard sketchbook paper will work fine.


Consider a variety of mediums when creating your sketchbook assignments.

Consider a variety of mediums when creating your sketchbook assignments.


The course is designed as a 'traditional' mediums class, with an emphasis on drawing and paintings. The choice of mediums is up to each of you. Some of you will prefer watercolor, pen and ink, and some of you will prefer colored pencil and graphite. I encourage you to explore mediums as this will in turn enhance your portfolios.

I will be demonstrating mediums in class and showing examples of how certain mediums are used with applications similar to class assignments and projects. The Sketchbook assignments are perfect opportunities to explore and experiment.

It is important that you come to class prepared with the tools and mediums you need. Because I allow freedom in this area you 'must' accept responsibility and have the necessary tools for each class.

Computers can be used for reference materials and tutorials, however no computer art will be produced for for assignment requirements.

Unless specified, sketchbook assignments can be black and white or color.

Unless specified, sketchbook assignments can be black and white or color.



The course will contain (6) major assignments and based on your choice of medium, could dictate the surface materials you use. A variety of boards and papers are recommended. Consider your strengths and confidence levels when selecting both mediums and substraights. Due to the number of major assignments as well as Sketchbook entries, time will be at a premium and important to be aware of time management.


Sketchbook - Section One - Human

The first section of the Sketchbook Assignments will involve the Human - using a variety of textbook and handouts, you will explore the intricate and dynamic complexities of the Human Body. Skeletal and muscular images will be required as well as an assortment of features and details. Images will involve both realism and fantasy.

Mediums are choice.

Sketchbook - Section Two - Animal Anatomy

The second section of the Sketchbook Assignments will involve the animal form. Using textbook The Art of Animal Drawing, you will have assignments which will include entries involving cats, horses and deer subject matter with an emphasis on accurate structure and form.

Mediums are choice

Sketchbook - Section Three - Primate Anatomy

The  third section of the Sketchbook Assignments will involve the primate form. Using textbook The Art of Animal Drawing and handouts, you will have assignments which will include entries involving monkeys, apes and Cro-Magnon with an emphasis on accurate structure and form.

Mediums are choice

Sketchbook - Section Four - Rhinos, Dinos, Hephalumps

The  fourth section of the Sketchbook Assignments will involve Rhinoceros, Dinosaurs and Elephants, with an emphasis on accurate structure and form. This section will include both photographic and art reference materials as sources, with a combination of both realism and fantasy.

Mediums are choice

Sketchbook - Section Five - Real and Imagined

The  fifth section of the Sketchbook Assignments will involve the combination of both real and imagined - combining both human and animal, and morphing various animals, to create unique 'humanimal' forms. Consider a variety of perspectives and reference materials.

Mediums are choice

Major Assignment One

The Human Form

Create (3) Character Sheets/Turn Arounds - (1) Male Full Figure, (1) Female Full Figure, (1) Imaginary based on Realism. Each Sheets should contain at least skeletal, muscular and skin/hair/other... Images must be based on realistic structure and accurate form and proportions. All renderings must include full figure, arm and leg details. Medium is choice.

Format is choice and must be presented professionally with consideration to commercial application.

Major Assignment Two

Animal Anatomy

Create (3) Character Sheets - (1) Cat Family, (1) Horse Family, (1) Deer Family based on Realism. Each Sheets should contain at least skeletal, muscular and hair.. Images must be based on realistic structure and accurate form and proportions. All renderings must include a variety of shapes and poses, combination of full figure and detail areas of the forms - Realism and/or fantasy

Format is choice and must be presented professionally with consideration to commercial application.

Major Assignment Three

Beasts of the Highlands

Create (1) image which includes 'real or imagined' animals from Cat/Fox Family, Pig Family and Bovidae Family in a Highlands Environment. Environment could include landscape and /or structure. Figures may be isolated or interacting. Focus should be on animals. Figures must be structurally believable and accurate, and based on fundamental principles.

Format is choice and must be presented professionally with consideration to commercial application.

Major Assignment Four

Magical Primates

Create (1) image of a magical, ornate temple interior inhabited by Primates. Focus should be on figures and should include (3) Monkey/Ape Family and (1) Human. Consider ornate interior in perspective and figures should be interacting in some way.  Figures may be isolated or interacting. Figures must be structurally believable and accurate, and based on fundamental principles.

Format is choice and must be presented professionally with consideration to commercial application.

Major Assignment Five

Colossus Bots

Create (1) image of multiple mechanical animal bots based on Rhinoceros/Dinosaur/Elephant in an arid environment. Bots should reflect actual animal structure and based on reality. Scene should also include human figures (also based on reality) and could be interacting with bots. Attention to mechanical function and believable.

Format is choice and must be presented professionally with consideration to commercial application.

Major Assignment Six

Morphing Mythical Beasts

Create an image of one or more characters based on 'morphing' of human and animal or animal and animal, to create mythical Beasts. Characters must be anatomically believable and accurate in content. Emphasis of structure (skeleton/muscular) will be essential. These characters should be placed in an environment which is consistent with type of character/beast.

ie. Cheetah Woman in Serengeti City - Griffin in a Castle.

Format is choice and must be presented professionally with consideration to commercial application.


Due Dates

Jan 9 - Sketchbook One - DUE

Jan 14 - Sketchbook Two - DUE

Jan 16 - Sketchbook Three - DUE

Jan 16 - Assignment One - The Human Form -DUE

Jan 25 - Sketchbook Four - Due

Jan 28 - Assignment Two - Animal Anatomy - DUE

Jan 30 - Sketchbook Five - DUE

Feb 4 - Sketchbook Six - DUE

Feb 6 - Assignment Three - Beasts of the Highlands - DUE

Feb 11 - Sketchbook Seven - DUE

Feb 13 - Field Trip - Oatland Island Wildlife Center

Feb 18 - Sketchbook Eight - DUE

Feb 20 - Assignment Four - Magical Primates - DUE

Feb 25 - Sketchbook Nine - DUE

Feb 27 - Sketchbook Ten - DUE

Mar 4 - Assignment Five - Colossus Bots - DUE

Mar 6 - Sketchbook Eleven - DUE

Mar 11 - Sketchbook FINAL - DUE

Mar 11 - Assignment Six - Morphing Mystical Beasts - DUE



Archiving Your Work

Preparing each Final Illustration File.

Digital files (PDFs, animation stills, storyboards, comic panels, sequential art, etc.):

  • All native files, fonts and supporting links contained in a single folder

  • All final submission folders compressed as a zip file

  • All zipped folders named in a manner that includes the campus, year, quarter, program abbreviation, the student's first and last names, and the title of the artwork. This information also needs to be embedded in the metadata so Full file naming guidelines are attached.

    • CAMPUS_Quartercode_DEPT_FirstnameLastname_title

    • Sample: SAV_201910_ACCE_AidanBarrow_snapbelt

  •  All images submitted as JPEGS at 300dpi, JPEG quality 12, Adobe RGB1998.

Disclaimer - All content on this page is protected by the artists who created the work. The purpose for showing their artwork on this page, is for educational purposes only. The owner of this site does not claim any artwork on this page as his own. All rights are protected and considered copyrighted. ©2019