ILLU463 Career Strategies for Publication Design

A complete and effective portfolio starts with a comprehensive body of professional work. This course will help you establish your ‘brand’ through your portfolio samples. Interviews will direct the samples and help you develop portfolio pieces which are professional and industry relevant, and focused on specific career paths. The course will also focus on self promotion and marketing strategies to help direct each student secure professional employment. Attention to refining current work as well as developing new work will enable each student the opportunity to prepare a complete body of work; professional and appropriate for today’s illustration markets.

The Importance of Sketchbook

The purest form of visual creative thought. The Artist's Sketchbook is an integral part of developing unique creative ideas and a means to continue to grow artistic talents and skills. Content and exploration in sketchbook is encouraged in this course and  will serve as a process narrative for the artwork developed in this course.

It is an essential tool for today's commercial illustrator!

The Importance of Self Promotion

The success or failure of a prosperous and rewarding illustration career depends on effective self promotion and branding. It is an essential component for every visual artist and vital to every career-focused artist. This course will explore a variety of effective self promotional techniques and materials and the most practical use of both printed and digital tools, and assets.


  • Create or revise a minimum of (4) original portfolio pieces or series.

  • Create at least one self promotional piece and potential mailing list.

  • Create a marketing plan of action which will be further developed in the Business Strategies Course.

Due Dates

Jan 9 - Artist Statement - DUE - Must be placed in Dropbox before start of class

Jan 21 - Milestone One - DUE - Must be placed in Dropbox before start of class

Jan 30 - Milestone Two - DUE - Must be placed in Dropbox before start of class

Feb 11 - Milestone Three - DUE - Must be placed in Dropbox before start of class

Feb 20 - Milestone Four - DUE - Must be placed in Dropbox before start of class

Mar 3 - Milestone Five - DUE - Must be placed in Dropbox before start of class

Mar 11 - Marketing Strategy and Self Promotion- DUE - Must be placed in Dropbox before start of class


Recommended Textbooks

Graphic Artist Guild Handbook: Pricing & Ethical Guidelines (14th edition) ISBN-10: 0932102166

ISBN-13: 978-0932102164

How To Be an Illustrator By Darrel Rees and Nicholas Blechman (2014)ISBN-10: 1780673280

ISBN-13: 978-1780673288


Bayles, David and Ted Orland. Art & Fear: Observations on the Perils (and Rewards) of Artmaking. Capra Press, 1993. ISBN-0961454733; ISBN13: 9780961454739. (Jen Library: N71 .B37 2001.)

Brazell, Derek and Jo Davies. Making Great Illustration. A & C Black Publishers, Ltd., 2005. ISBN-10: 140812453X; ISBN-13:978-1408124536. (Jen Library: NC1000 .B73 2011.)

Taylor, Fig. How to Create a Portfolio and Get Hired: A Guide for Graphic Designers and Illustrators. Laurence King Publishing Ltd., 2010. ISBN-10: 1780672926; ISBN-13: 978-1780672922. (Jen Library: NC1001 .T39 2010.)

Glaser, Milton. Art Is Work. Overlook Press, 2000. ISBN-10:1590200063; ISBN-13: 978-1590200063. (Jen Library: NC999.4.G55 A4 2000.)

Goodson, Anna. The Personal Blog of Artist Rep and Agency Owner Anna Goodson. 2014. (accessed 27 August 2014).

Heller, Steven. Stylepedia: a Guide to Graphic Design Mannerisms, Quirks, and Conceits. Chronicle Books, 2006. ISBN-

10:0811833461; ISBN-13: 978-0811833462. (Jen Library: NC998 .H67 2006.)


Archiving Your Work

Preparing each Final Illustration File.

Digital files (PDFs, animation stills, storyboards, comic panels, sequential art, etc.):

  • All native files, fonts and supporting links contained in a single folder

  • All final submission folders compressed as a zip file

  • All zipped folders named in a manner that includes the campus, year, quarter, program abbreviation, the student's first and last names, and the title of the artwork. This information also needs to be embedded in the metadata so Full file naming guidelines are attached.

    • CAMPUS_Quartercode_DEPT_FirstnameLastname_title

    • Sample: SAV_202020_ACCE_AidanBarrow_snapbelt (Quartercodes - Fall 10, Winter 20, Spring 30, Summer 40)

  •  All images submitted as JPEGS at 300dpi, JPEG quality 12, Adobe RGB1998.

  • Images MUST include Meta Data

Disclaimer - All content on this page is protected by the artists who created the work. The purpose for showing their artwork on this page, is for educational purposes only. The owner of this site does not claim any artwork on this page as his own. All rights are protected and considered copyrighted. ©2020